Danone Specialized Nutrition (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd supports exclusive breastfeeding for your infant’s first six months of life. After six months of age, infants should receive age-appropriate complementary foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond. Consult your doctor before deciding to use infant formula or if you have difficulty breastfeeding.

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5 Top Immunity Tips when School Reopens

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As schools and daycares close their doors in an effort to break the chain of COVID-19 in the country, parents and kids who are forced into adopting homeschooling have found a much greater appreciation for schools and teachers – their pivotal role in children’s well-being and school’s caretaking role in the society. After months of learning from home, both students and teachers have missed the opportunities offered by face-to-face education and interactions with peers.

Schools cannot be closed forever. As parents, reopening of schools may be concerning as your child will meet with other children in different environments, which means there’s a higher chance to be exposed to germs. While you can’t prevent every cold or flu (even though the exposure to germs is an essential part of stimulating the immune system) there are ways to limit their contact with harmful germs, so they can stay healthy and strong.

The Checklist

  • Wash hands after all activities. The easiest and best way to limit presence of germs is by teaching your child to wash their hands with soap after going to the bathroom, playing, blowing their nose, petting animals and before eating.
  • Maintain a 1-meter distance with others and avoid touching others. Remind them to keep a safe 1-meter distance from their peers and avoid spending time in crowded areas or in groups.
  • Avoid sharing food with others. Ensure that they eat their own food to reduce the risk of germs transmissions. Pack lunch for your child if possible.
  • Build stronger immunity with foods rich in Prebiotics, Probiotics, Vitamin A, C, E and many more.
  • Drink plenty of water. Children often forget to drink water, find a way to remind them of drinking water frequently, e.g. a small note on their water bottle could help.

Do take note that it’s also important to follow local health recommendations. If you have any questions regarding these recommendations, please contact your local health department.

If you are still working from home with kids with you, read about how to work from home and take care of your children.

AptaGro is formulated with patented combination of Prebiotics & Probiotic, high DHA* and important nutrients to support your child’s body and learning development. Make the change today. Get a Free sample.

*AptaGro consists of 89.7mg/100g DHA, the top 3 highest among all cow’s milk based growing up milk brands in Malaysia as of July 2020.

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